Curriculum Vitae of Professor Stephen J. Pearton
Ph.D Physics (1983) University of Tasmania, Australia (only one graduation ceremony per year-the actual Ph.D thesis was submitted and approved in 1982)
B.Sc. (Honours) First Class, Physics (1978) University of Tasmania, Australia
B.Sc. Physics (1977) University of Tasmania, Australia
Total Citations (Feb 2008) 23,844
h-factor 65
University Honours Scholarship (University of Tasmania) 1978
Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering Postgraduate Studentship (two given in Australia each year) 1979-82
- 2001-present Distinguished Professor, Department of Materials Science andEngineering, University of Florida(also Alumni Chair-2001-present)
- 1994-2001 Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Florida, Adjunct Professor of Physics,University of Florida
- 1984 – 1994 Member Technical Staff, AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, 07974.
- 1982 – 1983 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Instrument Science and Engineering, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and Department of Materials Science and Mineral Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (joint appointment).
- 1981 – 1982Experimental Officer, Semiconductor and Radiation Physics Section, Applied Physics Division, Australian Atomic Energy Commission.
Major Accomplishments
Contributed to the advancement of science and technology with world-class, trend-setting research in the field of electronic materials and devices. The pioneering and leadership nature of the contributions is evident by a large number of citations of his work in Science Citation Index (~23,000), US Patents (12 issued or pending), publications (~1280), and invited talks (~250 out of approximately 950 total talks).
(i) At Bell Labs (1984-1988) developed a robust method of ion implantation isolation for advanced III-V transistors now widely used in cell phone chips, including GaAs field effect transistors, AlGaAs/GaAs High Electron Mobility Transistors(HEMTs) and AlGaAs/GaAs and InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs). This has made possible larger scales of integration and improved manufacturability of these devices. He developed both the scientific understanding and the application to devices. The market for these devices is well over $1B per year and many of the processes techniques were developed by Pearton.
(ii) Part of a team at Bell Labs that demonstrated the first 10 Gb/sec high speed reliable HBT circuits based on advances in highly carbon-doped GaAs base layers (1989-1994).These devices are now common in cell phone chips.
(iii) Developed the ion implantation doping and rapid thermal processes needed to activate implanted dopants in compound semiconductors (1985-1988), as well as establishing the characterization necessary to meaure activation efficiencies. Published the first demonstration of using graphire susceptors to rediuce thermal stresses in GaAs wafers during RTA (1988). He was the first to demonstrate p-type doping in GaN using ion implantation (1995) and the first to use ion implantation to create room temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors for spintronic applications.
(iv) First to apply high density plasma etching techniques to compound semiconductor device fabrication (1989-1993). He pioneered the plasma chemistries used for etching a large variety of devices, including HBTs, HEMTs and laser diodes. These processes are now standard in most III-V device companies, including those for GaN light-emitting diodes and articles on this work have been featured in Physics Today,the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. He showed that the high density plasma regime was able to initiate low damage etching with high rates. He pioneered the approaches needed to measure the effects of ion damage in these materials. First to demonstrate replacement of Freon-12 with more environmentally friendly gases for selective etching of GaAs over AlGaAs. He has published over 200 articles in this field and presented many invited talks on the topic at TMS, MRS, ECS and AVS meetings.
(v) Made fundamental contributions to the understanding of the role of defects and impurities in thin films, especially hydrogen, on the performance of electronic and photonic devices. First to identify the effect of hydrogen passivation on device reliability in GaAs devices (1992-1994). His review article on Hydrogen in Crystalline Semiconductors has been cited over 750 times and the book on a similar topic over 450 times and he has been invited to give plenary talks on this topic at all the major conferences in this field, including the International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, IUPAC workshops, TMS, MRS, ECS, and APS.
(vi) Developed new Ohmic and Schottky contact metallurgies for all of the major compound semiconductor materials used in electronic and photonic devices,including GaAs/AlGaAs,InP/InGaAs,InAlAs/InGaAs and InGaN/AlGaN,especially focusing on developing thermally stable contacts based on high temperature metals such as W, the boride and nitride families(1990-2007).
(vii) Part of a team that developed the first low interface density gate oxides for GaN(1998-2005).World record GaN and AlGaN power rectifier and pin diode performance in terms of breakdown voltage (9.8 kV) and total current (160A) (1999-2002).
(viii) Part of a multidisciplinary effort to develop semiconductor-based hydrogen sensors capable of ppm detection sensitivity at room temperature for NASA (2003-2006) Developed the use of Pt or Pd gates to improve the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen to the atomic species at room temperature. Also showed the use of Pd or Pt coatings on ZnO nanowire sensors that operate at extremely low power levels (µW) and thus are capable of being powered by energy harvesting methods.
(ix) Part of a team that has pioneered the use of wide bandgap semiconductor sensors for chemical and biological detection, including DNA, kidney disease markers and proteins (2005-2007).
His work over the past 20 years in these fields has been cited over 23,000 times according to the ISI Web of Science, making him of the world’s most-cited scientists. To put this in perspective, for the period 1981-1997 (the most recent period for which information is available), the 10 most-cited physicists average from 1366-639 citations per year. Dr.Pearton’s average of approximately 1000 per year for the period 1984-2007 place him in the very top rank in any scientific discipline. He has been recognized as Fellow by the IEEE, AVS, TMS, APS and ECS. His work encompasses a broad, multidisciplinary approach, borrowing from physics, chemistry, electrical, chemical and materials science and engineering to understand the effects of processing techniques on the performance of advanced compound semiconductor devices. These contributions have been critical to the commercialization of these devices in cell phones, wireless communication systems, collision-avoidance radar, high density DVDs and traffic lights and other displays. Many of the companies manufacturing these products use fabrication processes that are based on results initially reported by Pearton. He has been extensively quoted in semiconductor industry publications, showing the value of his work to technology as well as the basic science aspects.The Bell Labs research efforts on GaAs-based MESFETs, HEMTs and HBTs in the period 1984-1994 were pivotal in providing the processing technology that has enabled these devices to be successfully commercialized around the world. The 1990’s saw these devices achieve significant markets in lightwave communication systems and hand-held phones. Pearton was primarily responsible for the development of dry etching, implant doping and isolation and rapid thermal processing techniques that are now common practice throughout the industry. He has also been one of the prime movers in development of improved processing methods for emerging GaN-based electronics and photonics. This effort has led to the realization of the first GaN MOSFET (Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 3893 1998), one of the first GaN/AlGaN HBTs (MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicon. Res. 3 41 1998) and rectifiers with record blocking voltages (Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 4 2000). In addition he has played a major role in establishing the effects of atomic hydrogen in compound semiconductors, particularly its incorporation during processing steps such as dry and wet etching, PECVD, solvent cleaning and annealing and its role in influencing device performance (eg. dc current gain in HBTs, ohmic contact resistance).
- 2007 J.J.Ebers Award, IEEE
- 2007 John Thornton Award, AVS
- Elected to the rank of TMS Fellows (The Metals, Minerals and Materials Society), 2007. (maximum number of living Fellows limited to 100).
- Fellow of American Physical Society, 2006.
- Fellow, American Vacuum Society, 2002
- Fellow of IEEE, 2001.
- Fellow of the ECS (Electrochemical Society), 1996.
- Electronics Division Award, The Electrochemical Society, 2005.
- Recognized by the ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) as “ISI’s 1120 Most Cited Physicists in the World” (for the period of 1981 – 1997) with the rank of 82nd out of 1120 best physical science researchers.
- Distinguished Lecturer,IEEE Electron Devices Society,2001-2004
- Editor, Solid-State Electronics, 1994-2003.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B. 1993-1995 and Journal Vacuum Science and Technol. A, 2000-2002.
- Guest Editor for JEM Special Issues on GaN,SiC and ZnO(2004) and Emerging Electronic Materials(1998)
- Editorial Board, Applied Physics Letters and Journal of Applied Physics, 2006-2009.
- Editorial Board, Applied Physics Reviews, 2006-2009
- Editorial Board – Materials Science & Engineering Reports, and Diffusion and Defect Data, 1994-present
- Co-organizer of 10 symposium for MRS on (i)Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Si, Fall Meeting of Materials Research Society 1985; Editor of MRS Vol. 59 (1986), (ii)Defects in Electronic Materials, Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society 1987: Editor of MRS Vol. 104 (1988),(iii) Degradation Mechanisms in III-V Compound Semiconductor Devices and Structures, 1990 Spring MRS Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 1990; Editor of MR S Vol. 184 (1990),(iv) Adv. III-V Compound Semiconductor Growth, Processing & Devices, MRS Fall 1991, Boston, December 1991; Editor of MRS Vol. 240 (1992),(v) III-V Electronic & Photonic Device Fabrication and Performance, MRS Spring 1993, San Francisco, April 1993; Editor of MRS Vol. 300 (1993),(vi) Compound Semiconductor Electronics & Photonics, MRS Spring 1996, San Francisco, April 1996,(vii) Power Semicond. Mat. & Device Symp., MRS, Boston, December 1997,(viii) , GaN and related materials,Boston,1998 Fall MRS ,Nov 1998, (ix) Compound Semiconductor Surface Passivation and Novel Device Processing, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 1999, (x) New Applications for Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, 2003 Spring MRS Symposium, San Francisco, April 2003.
- Co-organizer of 14 symposia for ECS,on (i) RTP of Electron Materials and Devices, ECS Meeting, Atlanta, GA, May 1988, (ii)Ion Implantation in Elemental and Compound Semiconductors, ECS meeting, Florida, October 1989; Editor of ECS Vol. 90-13 (1990), (iii) III-V Nitrides, ECS Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 1996, (iv)Wide Bandgap Nitrides, ECS Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 1995, (v) Symp. on SOTAPOCS, ECS Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 1996, (vi)High Speed III-V Electronics for Wireless Applic., ECS Meeting, San Antonio, October 1996,(vii) GaN Symp., ECS, Paris, September 1997,(viii) Light-Emitting Devices for Optoelectronic Applications, 193rdECS Meeting, San Diego, May 1998,(ix) III-V Nitride Materials and Processes, 194thECS Meeting, Boston, Nov. 1998,(x) Compound Semiconductor Power Transistors, 194th ECS Meeting, Boston, Nov. 1998, (xi) III-Nitride-Based Semiconductor Electronics and Optical Devices, 199th Meeting of ECS, Washington, DC, March 2001,(xii) Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Photonic and Electronic Devices and Sensors, 201st Meeting of ECS, Philadelphia, May 2002,(xiii) , Nitrides and Related Materials, ECS, Orlando, October 2003,(xiv) Nitrides and Related Materials, ECS, Hawaii, Nov 2004
- Editor “GaN and Related materials for Device Applications,” ed. S.J. Pearton, C.P. Kuo, special issue of MRS Bulletin, February ’97, Vol. 22(2), pp.17-57.
- Advisory Board, “Advances in Nanoscale Materials and Technologies,” (Academic Press, 2001).
- Editorial Board, Materials Today, 2002-present.
- Editorial Board, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2003-present.
- Advisory Board Member for book series,Handbook of Nanostructural Materials and Nanotechnology, 2000-present.
Some key papers:
Ion Implantation for Isolation of III-V Semiconductors, S.J.Pearton, Materials Science Reports 4,pp 313-367(1990).This showed that the processing of many compound semiconductor devices could be simplified by using ion implantation to create resistive regions between devices for electrical isolation, rather than etching away the material or using a backfill of oxide to achieve isolation. This process is now standard in most III-V transistor technologies because of its high yield and ability to maintain a planar surface .
Hydrogen in Crystalline Semiconductors, S.J.Pearton, J.W.Corbett and T.S.Shi,Appl.Phys.A 43 pp.153-195(1987).This paper laid the groundwork for an intense period of activity by researchers around the world on the properties of hydrogen in single-crystal Si,GaAs and GaN. There were many conferences devoted to this topic and this paper was a catalyst in setting out what was known and what needed to be addressed by theorists and experimentalists. Hydrogen has proven to be particularly important in semiconductors, where it passivates the electrical activity of both donor and acceptor dopants and diffuses rapidly into the material even at room temperature during processes such as solvent cleaning, acid etching, plasma etching and sputter deposition. This has become very important as Si microchip processing temperatures are reduced in order to minimize diffusion in ever-smaller transistors. The source of the hydrogen can be background water vapor in vacuum systems or even photoresist and thus the origin of the large changes in electrical properties it causes are often difficult to identify unless one is aware that hydrogen may be the cause. It was hydrogen passivation of Mg acceptors in GaN that prevented realization of p-type doping in this material for a long period. Shuji Nakamura has stated publicly numerous times that he understood what was happening after reading the authors work and then was able to use annealing to drive the hydrogen off the Mg atoms and obtain p-type GaN. The review article was eventually turned into a book of the same title, which has been cited 385 times in the literature(ISI Web of Science),making a total of over 1000 citations for the two versions.
GaN:Processing,Defects and Devices,S.J.Pearton,J.C.Zolper,R.J.Shul and F.Ren,J.Appl.Phys.86,pp1-78(1999).This paper discussed progress in developing processing methods and covered devices such as lasers ,light-emitting diodes and transistors along with the effects of processing-induced defects on the performance of these devices. It has become a standard reference in the field and is unique in that is uses a multi-disciplinary approach, covering the materials, electrical engineering, chemistry and chemical processing of GaN.
Whispering –Gallery Mode Microdisk Lasers, S.McCall, A.F.J.Levi, R.E.Slusher, S.J.Pearton and R.A.Logan,Appl.Phys.Lett. 60, pp.289-291(1992).This reported a new microlaser design with extremely low threshold current that was reported in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. It showed the potential of using lasers as optical computing elements to increase the speed of voice and data transmission systems. The work was made possible by a combined multi-disciplinary effort involving crystal growth, laser design, high resolution low damage plasma etching and novel testing.
Selected Publications
- “Hydrogen Passivation of Gold-Related Deep Levels in Si,” S.J. Pearton and Tavendale, Phys. Rev. B 26, No. 12, 7105 (1982).
- “Motion of Deep Gold-Related Centers in Reverse Biased Si Junction Diodes at Room Temperature,” S.J. Pearton and Tavendale, Appl. Phys. Lett. 41, No. 12 (1982).
- “Hydrogenation of Au-Related Levels in Si by Electrolytic Doping,” S.J. Pearton, W.L. Hansen, E.E. Haller and J.M. Kahn, J. Appl. Phys. 55, 1221 (1984).
- “Electrical Activation of Implanted Be, Mg, Zn and Cd in GaAs by Rapid Thermal Annealing, “S.J. Pearton, K.D. Cummings and G.P. Vella-Coleiro, J. Appl. Phys. 58, 3252 (1985).
- “Rapid Thermal Annealing in GaAs IC Processing,” S.J. Pearton, K.D. Cummings and G.P. Vella-Coleiro, J. Electrochem. Soc. 132, 2743 (1985).
- “Relationship Between Secondary Defects and Electrical Activation in Ion-Implanted, Rapidly Annealed GaAs,” S.J. Pearton, R. Hull, D.C. Jacobson, J.M. Poate and J.S. Williams, Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 38 (1986).
- “Local Structure of S Impurities in GaAs,” F. Sette, S.J. Pearton, J.M. Poate, J.E. Rowe and J. Stohr, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2637 (1986).
- “Hydrogen Injection and Neutralization of B-acceptors in Si Boiled in Water,” A.J. Tavendale, A.A. Williams and S.J. Pearton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 48, 590 (1986).
- “Kinetics of Implantation Enhanced Interdiffusion of Ga and Al at GaAs-Al1Ga-As MBE Grown Interfaces,” J. Cibert, P.M. Petroff, D.J. Werder, S.J. Pearton, A.C. Gossard and J.H. English, Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 223 (1986).
- “Optically Detected Carrier Confinement to One and Zero Dimension in GaAs Quantum Well Wires and Boxes, J. Cibert, P.M. Petroff, G.J. Dolan, S.J. Pearton, A.C. Gossard and J.H. English, Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 1275 (1986).
- “Dopant Type Effects on the Diffusion of Deuterium in GaAs,” S.J. Pearton, W.C. Dautremont-Smith,, J. Lopata, C.W. Tu and C.R. Abernathy, Phys. Rev. B 36, 4260 (1987).
- “Ion-Implantation and Activation Behavior of Si in MBE Grown GaAs-on-Si Substrates for GaAs MESFETs,” N. Chand, F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, N.J. Shah and A-Y. Cho, IEEE Electron Device Lett. 8, 185 (1987).
- “Hydrogen in Crystalline Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, J.W. Corbett and T.S. Shi, Appl. Phys. A 43, 153 (1987).
- “Lattice Location of Deuterium Interacting with the B Acceptor in Si,” B.B. Nielsen, J.V. Anderson and S.J. Pearton, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 321 (1988).
- “Low-Frequency Excitations of Acceptor-Hydrogen Complexes in Si,” M. Stavola, S.J. Pearton, J. Lopata and W.C. Dautremont-Smith, Phys. Rev. B. 37, 8313 (1988).
- “Donor-Hydrogen Complexes in Passivated Si,” K. Bergman, M. Stavola, S.J. Pearton and J. Lopata, Phys. Rev. B. 37, 2770 (1988).
- “The Structure of Acceptor-H and Donor-H Complexes in Si from Uniaxial Stress Studies,” K. Bergman, M. Stavola, S.J. Pearton and T. Hayes, Phys. Rev. B 38, 9643 (1988).
- “Hydrogen Motion in Defect Complexes: Reorientation Kinetics of the B-H Complex in Si,” M. Stavola, K. Bergmann, S.J. Pearton and J. Lopata, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2786 (1988).
- “Reactive Ion Etching of GaAs with CCl2F2O2 – Etch Rates, Surface Chemistry and Residual Damage,” S.J. Pearton, M.J. Vasile, K.S. Jones, K.T. Short, E. Lane, T.R. Fullowan, A.E. Von Neida and N.M. Haegel, J. Appl. Phys. 65, 1281 (1989).
- “RTA of GaAs in a Graphite Susceptor – Comparison with Proximity Annealing,” S.J. Pearton and R. Caruso, J. Appl. Phys. 66, 663 (1989).
- “Structure and Dynamics of the Be-H Complex in GaAs,” M. Stavola, S.J. Pearton, J. Lopata, C.R. Abernathy and Bergman, Phys. Rev. B. 39, 8051 (1989).
- “RIE Induced Damage in GaAs and AlGaAs Using CH4/H2/Ar or CCl2F2/O2 Mixtures,” S.J. Pearton, U.K. Chakrabarti and W.S. Hobson, J. Appl. Phys. 66, 2061 (1989).
- “Carbon in GaAs: Implantation and Isolation Characteristics,” S.J. Pearton and C.R. Abernathy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 678 (1989).
- “High Performance AlGaAs/GaAs SDHTs and Ring Oscillators Grown by MBE on Si,” F. Ren, N. Chang, Y.K. Chen, S.J. Pearton, D.M. Tennant and D.J. Resnik, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 10, 559 (1989).
- “Ultra-High Doping of GaAs by Carbon During MOMBE,” C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, R. Caruso, F. Ren and J. Kovalchick, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1750 (1989).
- “Bias Controlled Intersubband Switching in a GaAs/AlGaAs QW Laser,” K. Berthold, A.F. Levi, S.J. Pearton, R.J. Malik, W.Y. Jan and J.E. Cunningham,Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 1382 (1989).
- “Real-time, in-situ Monitoring of GaAs and AlGaAs PL During Plasma Processing,” A. Mitchell, R.A. Gottscho, S.J. Pearton and G.R. Schellerr, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 821 (1990).
- “Identification of a Fermi Resonance for a Defect in Si Deuterium-Boron Pair,” G.D. Watkins, W.B. Fowler, MM. Stavola, G.G. Deleco, D.M. Kozach, S.J. Pearton and J. Lopata, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 467 (1990).
- “Real-time Monitoring of Low Temperature, Hydrogen Plasma Passivation of GaAs,” R.A. Gottscho, B.L. Preppernau, S.J. Pearton, B. Emerson, Giapis, J. Appl. Phys. 68, 440 (1990).
- “Ion Implantation for Isolation of III-V Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, Mat. Sci. Rep. 4, 313 (1990).
- “Carbon-doped Base GaAs-AlGaAs HBTs Grown by MO-MBE and MO-CVD Regrowth,” W.S. Hobson, F. Ren, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, T.R. Fullowan and J. Lothian, IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett. 11, 241 (1990).
- “Implant Isolation of GaAs-AlGaAs HBT Structures,” F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, W.S. Hobson, T.R. Fullowan, J. Lothian and A.W. Yanof, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 860 (1990).
- “Reproducible Group V Partial Pressure RTA of InP and GaAs,” S.J. Pearton, A. Katz and M. Geva, J. Appl. Phys. 68, 2482 (1990).
- “Use of Hydrogenated Chlorofluorocarbon Mixtures for RIE of In-based III-V Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, W.S. Hobson, U.K. Chakrabarti, G.E. Derktis and A.P. Kinsella, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 8, 1274 (1990).
- “Hydrogen in Carbon-doped GaAs Grown by MOMBE,” D.M. Kozuch, M. Stavola, S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy and J. Lopata, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 2561 (1990).
- “Rapid Isothermal Processing for Fabrication of GaAs Based Electronic Devices,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, A. Katz, T.R. Fullowan, C.R. Abernathy, W.S. Hobson and R.F. Kopf, IEEE Electron. Dev. 39, 154 (1992).
- “GaAs-AlGaAs HBT with Carbon-Doped Base Grown by MOMBE,” F. Ren, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, T.R. Fullowan, J. Lothian and A.S. Jordan, Electron Lett. 26, 724 (1990).
- “In-based p-ohmic Contacts to the Base Layer of AlGaAs/GaAs HBT,” F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, W.S. Hobson, T.R. Fullowan and A.B. Emerson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 1158 (1991).
- “AlGaAs/GaAs HEMTs, Inverters and Ring Oscillators with InGaAs and AlGaAs Etch Stop Layers,” F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, R. Kopf, S. Chu and S. Pei, Electron Lett. 27, 1175 (1991).
- “10 Gbit/s AlGaAs/GaAs HBT Driver IC For Lasers or Lightwave Modulators,” R. Montgomery, F. Ren, C.R. Abernathy, T. Fullowan, R. Kopf, P. Smith, S.J. Pearton, P. Wisk, J. Lothian and R. Nottenburg, Electron. Lett. 27, 1827 (1991).
- “Whispering Mode Microdisk Lasers,” S. McCall, A. Levi, R. Slusher, S.J. Pearton and R.A. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 289 (1992).
- “Incorporation of Hydrogen in Semiconductors During Crystal Growth and Device Processing,” S.J. Pearton, M. Stavola and J.W. Corbett, Ad. Mat. 4, 332 (1992).
- “Stability of C and Be-doped Base GaAs/AlGaAs HBTs,” F. Ren, T. Fullowan, J. Lothian, P. Wisk, C.R. Abernathy, R. Kopf, S. Downey and S.J. Pearton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 3613 (1991).
- “Batch Fabrication and Structure of Integrated GaAs/AlGaAs FET-SEED Devices,” L. D’Asario, E. Laskowski, S. Pei, R. Leigenguth, R. Woodward, M. Focht, A. Lentine, R. Kopf, J. Kuo, S.J. Pearton, F. Ren and L.E. Smith, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. EDL 13, 528 (1992).
- “0.25 mm Pseudomorphic HEMTs Processed with Damage-Free Dry Etch Gate Recess Technology,” F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, C.S. Wu, M. Hu, C.K. Pai, D.C. Wang and C.P. Wen, IEEE Electron Dev. 39, 2701 (1992).
- “Single Electron Capacitance Spectroscopy of Discrete Quantum Wells,” R. Ashoori, H.L. Stormer, J.S. Weiner, L. Pfeiffer, S.J. Pearton, K.W. Baldwin and K. West, Phy. Rev. Lett. 68, 3088 (1992).
- “Directional Light Coupling from Microdisk Lasers,” A. Levi, R. Slusher, S. McCall, J. Glass, S.J. Pearton and R. Logan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 561 (1993).
- “Dry-Processed Through-Wafer Via Holes for GaAs Power Devices,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, A. Katz, J.R. Lothian, T.R. Fullowan and B. Tseng, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 11, 153 (1993).
- “Improved Performance of C-doped GaAs Based HBTs Through Use of InGaP,” C.R. Abernathy, F. Ren, P. Wisk, S.J. Pearton and R. Esaqui, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1092 (1992).
- “Self-aligned InGaP/GaAs HBTs for Microwave Power Applications,” F. Ren, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, J. Lothian, P. Wisk, T. Fullowan, Y. Chen, L. Yang, S. Fu and H. Lin, IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett. EDL 14, 332 (1993).
- “Thermal Stability of Implanted Dopants in GaN,” R. G. Wilson, S. J. Pearton, C. R. Abernathy, and J. M. Zavada, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 2351 (1995).
- “The Role of Hydrogen in Current-Induced Degradation of C-Doped GaAs/AlGaAs HBTs,” F. Ren, C.R. Abernathy, S. Chu, J. Coblisan and S.J. Pearton, Solid State Electron 38, 1137 (1995).
- “Ion Implantation Doping and Isolation of GaN,” S.J. Pearton, C.B. Vartuli, J.C. Zolper and R.A. Stall, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 1435 (1995).
- “High Efficiency Microwave Power AlGaAs/InGaAs of HEMTs Fabricated by Dry Etch Single Gate Recess,” C.S. Wu, F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, M. Hu, C.K. Puo and R.F. Wang, IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 42, 1419 (1995).
- “Ca and O Ion Implantation Doping of GaN,” J.C. Zolper, R.G. Wilson, S.J. Pearton and R.A. Stall, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 1945 (1996).
- “Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of GaN,” R.J. Shul, G.B. McClellan, S.A. Casalnuovo, D.J. Rieger, S.J. Pearton, C. Constantine, C. Barratt, R.K. Karlicek, C. Tran and M. Schurmann, Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 1119 (1996).
- “Electrical and Structural Analysis of High Dose Si and Mg Implantation in GaN,” J.C. Zolper, M.H. Crawford, H. Tan, J. Williams, J. Zhen, D. Cockayne, S.J. Pearton and R.F. Karlicek, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 2729 (1997).
- “Unintentional Hydrogenation of GaN and Related Alloys During Processing,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, C. Vartuli, J. Lee, J. MacKenzie, R.G. Wilson, R. Shul, F. Ren and J. Zavada, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 14, 831 (1996).
- “Annealing of Ion-Implanted GaN,” H.H. Tan, J.S. Williams, J. Zou, D.J. Cockayne, S.J. Pearton, J.C. Zolper and R.A. Stall, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72,1190 (1998).
- “Ultra High Si+ Implant Activation Efficiency in GaN Using a High Temperature RTP System,” X.A. Cao, C.R. Abernathy, R.K. Singh, S.J. Pearton, M. Fu, V. Sarvepalli, J.A. Sekhar, J.C. Zolper, D.J. Rieger, J. Han, T.J. Drummond, R.J. Shul and R.G. Wilson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 206 (1998).
- “Effect of Temperature on Ga2O3(Gd2O3)/GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors,” F. Ren, M. Hong, S.N.G. Chu, M.A. Marcus, M.J. Schurmann, A. Baca, S.J. Pearton and C.R. Abernathy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 3893 (1998).
- “Relative Merits of Cl2 and CO/NH3 Plasma Chemistries for Dry Etching of MRAM Device Elements,” K.B. Jung, H. Cho, Y.B. Hahn, E.S. Lambers, S. Onishi, D. Johnson, A.T. Hurst, J.R. Childress, Y.D. Park and S.J. Pearton, J. Appl. Phys. 85, 4788 (1999).
- “Growth and Fabrication of GaN/AlGaN HBT,” J. Han, A.G. Baca, R.J. Shul, C.G. Willison, L. Zhang, F. Ren, A.P. Zhang, G.T. Dang, S.M. Donovan, X.A. Cao, H. Cho, K.B. Jung, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton and R.G. Wilson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 27023 (1999).
- “GaN: Processing, Defects and Devices,” S.J. Pearton, J.C. Zolper, R.J. Shul and F. Ren, J. Appl. Phys., Applied Physics Reviews 86, 1 (1999).
- “Depth and Thermal Stability of Dry Etch Damage in GaN Schottky Diodes,” X.A. Cao, H. Cho, S.J. Pearton, G.T. Dang, A.P. Zhang, F. Ren, R.J. Shul, L. Zhang, R. Hickman and J.M. Van Hove, Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 232 (1999).
- “Effects of Interfacial Oxides on Schottky Barrier Contacts to n- and p-type GaN,” X.A. Cao, S.J. Pearton, G. Dang, A.P. Zhang, F. Ren, and J. M. Van Hove, Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 4130 (1999).
- “Al Composition Dependence of Breakdown Voltage in AlxGa1-xN Schottky Rectifiers,” A.P. Zhang, G. Dang, F. Ren, J. Han, A.Y. Polyakov, N.B. Smirnov, A.V. Govorkov, J.M. Redwing, X.A. Cao and S.J. Pearton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 1767 (2000).
- “High Voltage GaN Schottky Rectifiers,” G. Dang, A. Zhang, F. Ren, X. Cao, S.J. Pearton, H. Cho, J. Han, J.-I. Chyi, C.-M. Lee, C.-C. Chuo, S.N.G. Chu and R.G. Wilson, IEEE Trans Electron. Dev. 47, 692 (2000).
- “GaN n- and p-type Schottky Diodes: Effect of Dry Etch Damage,” X. Cao, S.J. Pearton, G.T. Dang, A.P. Zhang, F. Ren and J.M. Van Hove, IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 47, 1320 (2000).
- “Fabrication and Performance of GaN Electronic Devices,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, A.P. Zhang and K.P. Lee, Mat. Sci. Eng. R. 30, 55 (2000).
- “Gd2O3/GaN MOSFET,” J.W. Johnson, B. Luo, F. Ren, B.P. Gila, W. Krishnamoorthy, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, J.I. Chyi, T.E. Nee, C.M. Lee and C.C. Chuo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 3230 (2000).
- Comparison of GaN p-i-n and Schottky Rectifier Performance,” A.P. Zhang, G. Dang, F. Ren, H. Cho, K.-P. Lee, S.J. Pearton, J.I. Chyi, T.E. Nee, C.-M. Lee and C.C. Chuo, IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. ED 48, 407 (2001).
- “Device Characteristics of the GaAs/InGaAsN/GaAs pnp Double HBT,” P. Chang, N. Li, A.G. Baca, H.O. Hou, C. Monier, J. LaRoche, F. Ren and S.J. Pearton, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. EDL-22, 113 (2001).
- “Ion Implantation into GaN,” S.O. Kucheyev, J.S. Williams and S.J. Pearton, Mat. Sci. Eng. R 33, 51 (2001).
- “High-Speed Modulation of 850nm Intracavity Contacted, Shallow Implant Apertured VCSELs,” G. Dang, W.S. Hobson, C.M.F. Chirovsky, J. Lopata, M. Tyalki, S.N.G. Chu, F. Ren and S.J. Pearton, IEEE Photonics Technology Lett. 13, 924 (2001).
- “Breakdown Voltage and Reverse Recovery Characteristics of Free-Standing GaN Schottky Rectifiers,” J.W. Johnson, A.P. Zhang, B. Luo, S.J. Pearton, S.S. Park, Y.D. Park and J.-I. Chyi, IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 49, 32 (2002).
- “Use of Ion Implantation to Facilitate the Discovery and Characterization of Ferromagnetic Semiconductors,” N. Theodoropoulou, A.F. Hebard, S.N.G. Chu, M.E. Overberg, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, R.G. Wilson and J.M. Zavada, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 7499 (2002).
- “Characteristics of MgO/GaN Gate-Controlled MOS Diodes,” J. Kim, R. Mehandru, B. Luo, F. Ren, B.P. Gila, A.H. Onstine, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton and Y. Irokawa, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 4555 (2002).
- “Inversion Behavior in Sc2O3/GaN Gated Diodes,” J. Kim, R. Mehandru, B. Luo, F. Ren, B.P. Gila, A.H. Onstine, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton and Y. Irokawa, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 373 (2002).
- “Unconventional Carrier-Mediated Ferromagnetism Above Room Temperature in Ion-Implanted (Ga,Mn)P : C,” N. Theodoropoulou, A.F. Hebard, M. Overberg, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, S.N.G. Chu and R.G. Wilson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 107203 (2002).
- “Effects of Sc2O3 and MgO Passivation Layers on the Output Power of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,” J.K. Gillespie, A.C. Fitch, J. Sewell, R. Dettmer, G.D. Via, A. Crespo, T.J. Jenkins, B. Luo, R. Mehandru, J. Kim, F. Ren, B.P. Gila, A.H. Onstine, C.R. Abernathy and S.J. Pearton, IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett. 23, 505 (2002).
- “Wide Bandgap Ferromagnetic Semiconductors and Oxides,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, M.E. Overberg, G. Thaler, D.P. Norton, N. Theodoropoulou, A.F. Hebard, Y.D. Park, F. Ren, J. Kim and L.A. Boatner, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 1 (2003).
- “AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMT Using Sc2O3 as the Gate Oxide and Surface Passivation,” R. Mehandru, B. Luo, J. Kim, F. Ren, B. Gila, A.H. Onstine, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, D. Gotthold, R. Birkhahn, B. Peres, R. Fitch, J. Gillespie, T. Jenkins, J. Sewell, D. Via and A. Crespo, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 2530 (2003).
- “Thermal Stability of WSix and W Schottky Contacts on n-GaN,” J. Kim, F. Ren, A.G. Baca and S.J. Pearton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 3263 (2003).
- “GaN and Other Materials for Semiconductor Spintronics,” S.J. Pearton, Y.D. Park, C.R. Abernathy, M.E. Overberg, G.T. Thaler, J. Kim and F. Ren, J. Electron. Mater. 32, 288 (2003).
- “Improved Morphology for Ohmic Contacts to AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using WSix on W-Based Metallization,” B. Luo, F. Ren, R. Fitch, J. Gillespie, T. Jenkins, J. Sewell, D. Via, A. Crespo, A.G. Bacca, R.D. Briggs, D. Gotthold, R. Ritkchan, B. Peres and S.J. Pearton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 3910 (2003).
- “Carrier-Mediated Ferromagnetic Ordering in Mn Ion-Implanted p+ GaAs(C),” Y.D. Park, J.D. Lim, K.S. Suh, S.B. Shim, J.S. Lee, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, Y.S. Kim, Z.G. Khim and R.G. Wilson, Phys. Rev. B 68, 085210 (2003).
- “160A Bulk GaN Schottky Diode Array,” K. Baik, Y. Irokawa, J. Kim, J. La Roche, F. Ren, S.S. Park, Y.J. Park and S.J. Pearton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 3192 (2003).
- “Wide Bandgap GaN-Based Semiconductors for Spintronics,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, G. Thaler, R.M. Frazier, D.P. Norton, F. Ren, Y.D. Park, J.M. Zavada, I.A. Buyanova, W.M. Chen and A.F. Hebard, J. Phys. Condensed Matter 16, R209 (2004).
- “AlGaN/GaN MOS Diode-Based Hydrogen Gas Sensors,” B.S. Kang, F. Ren, B.P. Gila, C.R. Abernathy and S.J. Pearton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1123 (2004).
- “Magnetic Semiconductors: Si-Based Spintronics,” S.J. Pearton, Nature Materials 3, 203 (2004).
- “Hydrogen-induced reversible changes in drain current in Sc2O3/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,” B.S. Kang, R. Mehandru, S. Kim, F. Ren, R. Fitch, J. Gillespie, N. Moser, G. Jessen, T. Jenkins, R. Dettmer, D. Via, A. Crespo, B.P. Gila, C.R. Abernathy and S.J. Pearton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 4635 (2004).
- “Depletion-mode ZnO nanowire field-effect transistor,” Y. W. Heo, L. C. Tien, Y. Kwon, D. P. Norton, S. J. Pearton, B. S. Kang, F. Ren, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 2274 (2004).
- “Recent Progress in processing and properties of ZnO,” S.J. Pearton, D.P. Norton, K. Ip, Y.W. Heo and T. Steiner, Prog. Mater. Sci. 50 293 (2005).
- “ZnO nanowire growth and devices,” Y.W. Heo, D.P. Norton, L.C. Tien, Y. Kwon, B.S. Kang, F. Ren, S.J. Pearton and J.R. LaRoche, Mat. Sci. Eng. R 47 1 (2004).
- “pH measurements with single ZnO nanorods integrated with a microchannel,” B.S. Kang, F. Ren, Y.W. Heo, L.C. Tien, D.P. Norton and S.J. Pearton, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 112105 (2005).
- “Remote sensing system for hydrogen using GaN Schottky diodes,” A. El. Kouche, J. Lin, M.E. Law, S. Kim, B.S. Kim, F. Ren and S.J. Pearton, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 105 329 (2005).
- “Hydrogen-selective sensing at room temperature with ZnO nanorods”,
H. T. Wang, B. S. Kang, F. Ren, L. C. Tien, P. W. Sadik, D. P. Norton, S. J. Pearton, and Jenshan Lin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 243503 (2005). - “Electrical detection of immobilized proteins with ungated AlGaN/GaN HEMTs”, B.S. Kang, F. Ren, L. Wang, C. Lofton, W.W. Tan, S.J. Pearton, A. Dabiran, A. Osinsky and P.P.Chow, Appl.Phys.Lett.87,023508 (2005).
- “Room temperature hydrogen selective sensing using single Pt-coated ZnO nanowires at microwatt power levels”, L. Tien, H.T. Wang, B.S. Kang, F. Ren, P.W. Sadik, D.P. Norton, S.J. Pearton and J.Lin, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett.8 G239(2005).
- “AlGaN/GaN –Based Diodes and Gateless HEMTs for Gas and Chemical Sensing”, B.S. Kang, S. Kim, F. Ren, B.P. Gila, C.R. Abernathy and S.J. Pearton, IEEE Sensors Journal 5,677(2005).
- “Spintronics device concepts”, S.J. Pearton, D.P. Norton, R. Frazier, S.Y. Han, C.R. Abernathy and J.M. Zavada, IEE Proc-Circuits, Devices and Systems 152, 312(2005).
- “Electroluminescence from ZnO nanowire/polymer composite on junction”, C.Chang, F.Tsao, C.J.Pan, G.C. Chi, H.T. Wang, J.J.Chen, F. Ren, D.P. Norton, S.J. Pearton, K.H.Chen and L.C.Chen, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88,173503 (2006).
- “Electrical detection of deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization with AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors”, B. S. Kang, S. J. Pearton, J. J. Chen, F. Ren, J. W. Johnson, R. J. Therrien, P. Rajagopal, J. C. Roberts, E. L. Piner, and K. J. Linthicum, Appl. Phys.Lett. 89, 122102 (2006).
- “Electrical Detection of Kidney Injury Molecule-1 With AlGaN/GaN High ElectronMobility Transistors”, H.T.Wang, B.S.Kang, F.Ren, S.J.Pearton, J.W.Johnson, P. Rajagopal, J.C.Roberts, E.L.Piner and K.J.Linthicum, Appl. Phys.Lett.91, 222101(2007).
- “Enzymatic glucose detection using ZnO nanorods on the gate region of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors”, B. S. Kang, H. T. Wang, F. Ren, S. J. Pearton, T. E.Morey, D. M. Dennis, J. W. Johnson, P. Rajagopal, J. C. Roberts, E. L. Piner, and K. J. Linthicum, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 252103 (2007).
- “Penetrating living cells using semiconductor nanowires”,S. J. Pearton, T. Lele, Y. Tseng and F. Ren, Trends in Biotechnology, 25, 481(2007).
- “Prostate Specific Antigen Detection using AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors”, B. S. Kang, H. T. Wang, T. P. Lele, F. Ren, S. J. Pearton, J.W. Johnson, P. Rajagopal, J.C. Roberts, E.L. Piner and K.J. Linthicum, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 112106 (2007).
Selected Invited Conference Papers
- “The Properties of Hydrogen in Crystalline Si,” S.J. Pearton, 13th Intl. Conf. Defects in Semiconductors, and J. Electron Mat. 14, 737 (1984).
- “Rapid Annealing of GaAs and Related Compounds,” J.S. Williams and S.J. Pearton, MRS Fall Meeting 1984 and Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 35, 427 (1985).
- “Rapid Thermal Annealing in GaAs IC Processing,” S.J. Pearton, K.D. Cummings, and G.P. Vella-Coleiro., State of the Art Program on Compound Semiconductors, Toronto, May 12-17, 1985 Electrochemical Society Spring Meeting.
- “Damage Removal Processes in Ion Implanted, Rapidly Annealed GaAs,” D.C. Jacobson, S.J. Pearton, R. Hull, J.M. Poate and J.S. Williams, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston 1985 and Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 52, 361 (1986).
- “Transient Thermal Processing of GaAs,” S.J. Pearton, J.M. Gibson,, D.C. Jacobson, J.M. Poate, J.S. Williams and D.O. Boerma, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston 1985 and Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 52, 351 (1986).
- “Ion Implantation in GaAs-Activation and Residual Defects,” S.J. Pearton, J.M. Poate, F. Sette, J.M. Gibson, D.C. Jacobson and J.S. Williams, Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Catania, Italy, June 1986, Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Physics Research B19/20, 369 (1987).
- “Order and Disorder in Semiconductor Superlattices,” R. Hull, S.J. Pearton, K.T. Short, C.W. Tu and A.E. White, MRS Spring Meeting 1987 and Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. 93, 153 (1987).
- “Hydrogen in Si,” J.W. Corbett, J.L. Lindstrom and S.J. Pearton, 1987 MRS Fall Meeting and Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 104, 229 (1988).
- “Structural Studies of Impurities in III-V Compounds by EXAFS,” F. Sette, S.J. Pearton, J.M. Poate and J.E. Rowe, 1987 MRS Fall Meeting and Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 104, 515 (1988).
- “Interaction of Implanted Oxygen with Dopants in GaAs and AlGaAs,” S.J. Pearton, 1988 May ECS Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- “Configurations and Properties of Hydrogen in Crystalline Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, Intl. Conf. Defects in Semiconductors, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 1988, Mat. Sci. Forum 38-41, 25 (1989).
- “The Asymmetry and Properties of Donor-H and Acceptor-H Complexes in Si from Uniaxial Stress Studies,” M. Stavola, K. Bergman, S.J. Pearton, J. Lopata and T. Hayes Intl. Conf. Shallow Imp. in Semiconductors, Linkoping, Sweden, August 1988, IOP Conf. Ser. 95, 447 (1989).
- “Ion Implantation Processing of GaAs and Related Compounds,” S.J. Pearton, W.S. Hobson and C.R. Abernathy, 1989 Spring MRS Meeting and Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 147, 261 (1989).
- “Hydrogen in Semiconductors,” J.W. Corbett, S.J. Pearton and M. Stavola, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Science and Technol. of Defect Control in Semiconductors, Yokohama, Japan, Sept. 1989, pp. 53-64 (1990).
- “Carbon Implantation in GaAs, AlGaAs and InP,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, U.K. Chakrabarti and W.S. Hobson, ECS Symp. on Ion Implantation and Dielectrics for Elemental and Compound Semiconductors 90-13, 110 (1990).
- “Ion Beam Processing and RTA of InP and Related Materials,” S.J. Pearton, 2nd Intl. Conf. InP and Related Materials, Denver, CO, April 23-25, 1990.
- “Hydrogen Diffusion in Crystalline Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, J.W. Corbett and J.T. Borenstein, 6th Trieste Symp., Italy, August 27-31 (1990); Physica B 170, 85 (1991).
- “Microscopic Properties of Hydrogen Passivated Shallow Impurities in Semiconductors,” M. Stavola and S.J. Pearton, 4th Intl. Conf. Shallow Impurities in Semiconductors, London (1990), Mat. Sci. For. 65, 141 (1991).
- “Ion Implantation Doping and Isolation of III-V Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, 7th Intl. Conf. Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Knoxville, TN, Sept. 1990, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 59, 970 (1991).
- “Dry Etching Techniques and Chemistries for III-V Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, 1990 Fall MRS Meeting and Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 216, 277 (1991).
- “Dry Etch Processing of GaAs/AlGaAs HEMTs,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, J. Lothian, T. Fullowan, R. Kopf, U. Chakrabarti, Electrochem. Soc., Phoenix, Oct. 1991; Proc. Symp. Patterning Sci. Techn. II 92-6, 204 (1991).
- “Ion Implantation of GaAs and Related Materials,” S.J. Pearton, 2nd Intl. Conf. Materials and Process Characterization for VLSI 91, Shanghai, China, Oct. 1991.
- “III-V Semiconductor Dry Etching Using ECR Discharges,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, T. Fullowan, J. Lothian, C. Abernathy, A. Katz and R. Kopf, SOTAPOCS XV, Electrochemical Society Meeting, Phoenix, Oct. 1991; Vol. 92-19, 54 (1992).
- “Low Damage ECR Plasma Etching of InP-Based Devices,” C. Constantine, D. Johnson and S.J. Pearton, 20th Ann. Symp. on Appl. Vac. Sci & Techn., Clearwater Beach, FL, Feb. 1991.
- “Low Damage Plasma Processing of III-V Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, 11th Ann. Symp. Electronic Materials, Processing and Characterization, June 1992, Richardson, TX.
- “Ion Implantation Technology for III-V Heterojunction Devices,” F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, S. Chu, T. Fullowan, et al., 14th Ion Implantation Technology Conf., Gainesville, FL, Sept. 1992, pp. 421-425.
- “Applications of Ion Implantation in III-V Device Technology,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren., S. Chu, W. Hobson, C. Abernathy, T. Fullowan, J. Lothian, R. Elliman, D. Jacobson and J.M. Poate, 12th Intl. Conf. Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, Nov. 1992, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 79, 648 (1992).
- “Compound Semiconductor Circuits and Devices for Future Lightwave Telecommunications Systems,” R. Montgomery, C.R. Abernathy, A. Cho, R. Esagui, A. Feygenson, T. Fullowan, R. Hamm, M. Haner, D. Humphrey, B. Jalali, J. Lothian, S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, D. Sivco, P. Smith and R. Yadvish, Telefonica Conf., Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 1992.
- “High Efficiency Common Emitter InGaP/GaAs Power HBTs,” F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, J. Lothian, P. Wisk, T. Fullowan, Y. Chen, L. Henning, T. Henry, L. Yang, S. Fu, R. Brozovich and J.J. Lin, GaAs Man. Tech. Conf., Atlanta, May 1993.
- “Dry Etch Integrated Processing of Micro- and Opto-Electronics,” S.J. Pearton and A. Katz, European MRS Conf., Strasbourg, France, May 1993.
- “Low Energy Ion-Enhanced Etching of III-V’s for Nanodevice Applications,” S.J. Pearton, 40th National AVS Symp., Orlando, FL, October 1993.
- “High Resolution Etching of III-V’s Using Magnetically-enhanced Discharges,” S.J. Pearton, 188th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, MA, May (1994).
- “ECR High Ion Density Plasma Sources for Etching and Deposition in III-V Semiconductor Device Technology,” S.J. Pearton, Proc. 37th Ann. Symp. Of Soc. Vac. Coaters, Boston, MA, May 1994, pp. 75-81.
- “High Rate Dry Etching of GaN, AlN and InP in ECR Cl2/CH4/H2/Ar Plasmas,” C.B. Vartuli, S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, R.J. Shul and A.J. Howard, 1995 Spring MRS Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 1995; Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. 380, 208 (1995).
- “Hydrogen Incorporation into III-V Nitrides During Processing,” S.J. Pearton, 188th ECS Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 1995; Proc. Wide Bandgap Semicond. & Dev. Symp. 95-21, 178 (1995).
- “Dry Etching of III-V Nitrides,” S.J. Pearton, 1995 Fall MRS Meeting, Boston, MA, November 1995.
- “Reactive Ion Etching of II-V Nitrides,” S.J. Pearton, Topical Workshop on III-V Nitrides, Nagoya, Japan, September 1995.
- “Novel Compound Semiconductor Devices Based on III-V Nitrides,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy and F. Ren, 1995 Semicond. Dev. Research Conf., Charlottesville, VA, December 1995.
- “III-V Nitride Processing and Devices,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy and F. Ren, 1995 IEEE Int. Caracas Cong. On Devices, Circuits and Systems, Caracas, December 1995.
- “The Role of H Incorporated into III-V Semiconductors During Growth and Processing,” S.J. Pearton, 189th ECS Meeting, Reno, NV, May 1995.
- “Dry Etching and Ion Implantation for III-V Electronic and Photonic Devices,” S.J. Pearton, 2nd Optoelectronic Semicond. Conf. OESC95, Hamilton, Canada, May 1995.
- “RTP of III-V Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, J.W. Lee and C.B. Vartuli, TMS Meeting, Anaheim, CA, February 1996.
- “Er-doping of GaN and Related Alloys,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy and J.M. Zavada, 1996 Spring MRS Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 1996.
- “Critical Issues of III-V Semiconductor Processing,” S.J. Pearton, 190th Meeting of ECS Meeting, San Antonio, TX, October 1996; ECS Proc. Vol. 96-15, 132 (1996).
- “C Doping of III-V Semiconductors by Ion Implantation,” S.J. Pearton and C.R. Abernathy, 7th Int. Symp. Shallow Levels in Semicond, Amsterdam, July 1996.
- “Critical Issues in Compound Semiconductor Processing,” S.J. Pearton, 3rd Int. Workshop EXAMATEC 96, Freiburg, Germany, May 1996.
- “Device Processing of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors – Challenges and Directions,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, R. Shul and J. Zolper, 191st meeting of ECS, Montreal, May 1997; ECS Proc. Vol. 97-1, 138 (1997).
- “Dry Etching Processes for Fabrication of QWIPs and Other Detector Structures,” S.J. Pearton, Photonics West, SPIE Ann. Symp., San Jose, February 1997; SPIE Proc. 2999, 118 (1997).
- “Processing Challenges for GaN-based Photonic and Electronic Devices,” S.J. Pearton, J. Zolper, R. Shul, F. Ren and A. Katz, 1997 Spring MRS Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 1997; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. 468, 331 (1997).
- “GaN Device Processing,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, J.C. Zolper and R.J. Shul, 1997 Fall MRS, Boston, Dec. 1997.
- “Processing Challenges for GaN-Based Electronic and Photonic Devices,” S.J. Pearton, 22nd Workshop on Compound Semicond. Devices and IC’s, Berlin, Germany, May 1998.
- “GaN-Based Materials for Microelectronics,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, J. Han, J.I. Chyi, C.C. Chuo, J.M. Lee, G. Dang, A. Zhang, X. Cao, S.N.G. Chu, R.G. Wilson and J.M. Van Hove, 1999 Int. Semicond. Device Research Symp., Charlottesville, VA, Dec. 1999.
- “Properties and Effects of Hydrogen in GaN,” S.J. Pearton, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Nov. 1999.
- “Device Processing for GaN High Power Electronics,” S.J. Pearton, X. Cao, H. Cho, C. Monier, F. Ren, G. Dang, A. Zhang, R.J. Shul, A.G. Baca, J. Han, J.I. Chyi, J.M. Van Hove, C.R. Abernathy and B. Gila, 2000 Spring MRS Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 2000.
- “GaN High Power Electronics”, S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, A. Zhang, G. Dang, X. Cao, H. Cho, B. Gila, C. Monier, C.R. Abernathy, J. Han, A.C. Baca, J.I. Chyi, G.C. Chi and S.N.G. Chu, European MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 2000.
- “GaN Power Devices,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren and C.R. Abernathy, 198th Meeting of ECS, Phoenix, October 2000 ECS Proc. Vol. 2000-18, 19 (2000).
- “Advanced Processing of Group III-Nitrides,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, B. Gila and C.R. Abernathy, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 2002.
- “Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in GaMnN and GaMnP,” S.J. Pearton, M. Overberg, G. Thaler, C.R. Abernathy, J. Kim, F. Ren, N. Theodoropoulou, A.F. Hebard and Y.D. Park, EXMATEC 2002, Budapest, Hungary, May 2002.
- “Plasma Etch Chemistries for III-V Lasers and LEDs,” S.J. Pearton, 49th Intl. AVS Symp., Denver, Nov. 3-8, 2002.
- “Charge and Spin Functionality in Wide Bandgap Semiconducting Oxides and Nitrides,” D. Norton, S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, F. Ren, A. Hebard, N. Theodoropoulou, L.A. Boatner, Y.K. Park and R.G. Wilson, Photonics West, San Jose, Jan. 2003.
- “AlGaN Power Rectifiers,” S.J. Pearton, J. Km, F. Ren, K. Baik, B.P. Gila, C.R. Abernathy, Y. Irokawa, J. Chyi, S. Park and Y.J. Park, 203rd Meeting of ECS, Paris, May 2003.
- “Mining for High-Tc Ferromagnetism in Ion-Implanted Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors,” A. Hebard, N. Theodoropoulou, M. Overberg, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, S. Chu and R.G. Wilson, 18th Intl. Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Madrid, July 2003.
- “Ion Implantation for Creating Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, F. Ren, D. Norton, A.F. Hebard, J.M. Zavada and R.G. Wilson, ISCS-2003, La Jolla, August 2003.
- “Effects of Defects and Doping on Wide Bandgap Ferromagnetic Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, F. Ren, J.M. Zavada, A.F. Hebard, Y.D. Park, D.P. Norton, G. Thaler, R. Frazier, J.M. Zavada, M. Stavola, W. Tang and R.G. Wilson, 22nd Intl. Conf. Defects in Semiconductors, Denmark, July 2003.
- “Progress and Challenges of GaN-Based Microwave HEMTs, Amplifiers and Novel Spin Devices,” S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, B. Gila, C.R. Abernathy, A.P. Zhang, N. Moser, R.C. Fitch, J.K. Gillispie, T. Jenkins, D. Via and A. Crespo, 11th IEEE Intl. Symp. On Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications (EDMO2003), Orlando, FL, November 2003.
- “Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Semiconductor Spintronics,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, G. Thaler, R. Frazier, D. Norton, J. Kelly, R. Rairigh, A. Hebard, Y.D. Park and J.M. Zavada, Fall MRS Meeting, Boston, December 2003.
- “Enhanced Functionality in GaN and SiC Devices by using Novel Processing,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, B. Gila, F. Ren, J.M. Zavada and Y.D. Park, 2003 ISDRS, Washington, DC, December 2003.
- “Dry Etching of Electronic Oxides,” S.J. Pearton, K.P. Lee, K. Ip, D.P. Norton and R.K. Singh, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 2004.
- “ZnO Spintronics and nanowire devices”, D.P. Norton, Y.W. Heo, L. Tien, M. Ivill, Y. Li, B.S. Kang, F. Ren, J. Kelly, A.F. Hebard and S.J. Pearton, Fall MRS meeting, Boston, Nov 2004.
- “ZnO Nanowire Devices”, S.J. Pearton, Y.W. Heo, D.P. Norton, F. Ren, B.S. Kang and J.R. LaRoche, 2005 TMS Annual meeting, San Francisco, Feb 2005.
- “Wet Chemical Etching of Compound Semiconductors”, S.J. Pearton and F. Ren, 207th meeting of ECS, Quebec City, Canada, May 2005.
- “ZnO Spintronics and Nanowire Devices “, S.J. Pearton, D.P. Norton, Y.W. Heo, C. Tien, M.P. Ivill, Y. Li, Sang Youn Han, B.S. Kang, F. Ren, J. Kelly, A.F. Hebard, C.J. Kao and G.C. Chi, 207th meeting of ECS, Quebec City, Canada, May 2005.
- “Contacts to ZnO”, G.T. Thaler, K. Ip, L. Voss, Y.W. Heo, D.P. Norton, S.J. Pearton F. Ren, C.J. Kao and G.C. Chi, ICMAT 2005 and IUMRS-ICAM 2005, Singapore, July 2005.
- “ZnO-based Spintronics”, S.J. Pearton, D.P. Norton, Y.W. Heo, L.C. Tien, M.P. Ivill, Y. Li, S.Y. Han, B.S. Kang, F. Ren, J. Kelly, A.F. Hebard, C.J. Kao and G.C. Chi, E- MRS , Strasbourg, France, May 2005.
- “New Dielectrics for Gate Oxides and Surface Passivation on GaN”,B.P. Gila1*, G.T.Thaler, A.H. Onstine, M. Hlad, A. Gerger, A. Herrero, K.K. Allums, D. Stodilka, S. Jang, B. Kang, T. Anderson, C. R. Abernathy, F. Ren and S.J. Pearton,ISDRS-2005,Baltimore,MD,Dec 2005.
- “ZnCdO/AlGaN heterostructures for application as UV and visible light-emitters”, A. Osinsky, J. Dong, J. Xie, B. Hertog, M .Kauser, A. Dabiran, P.P. Chow, W. Schoenfeld, L. Chernyak, S.J. Pearton, D.C. Look and M.D. Gerhold, Photonics West, San Jose, Jan 2006.
- “Wireless Hydrogen Sensor Self-powered Using Ambient Vibration and Light”, T. Nishida, J. Lin, K. Ngo, F. Ren, D. Norton, S. Pearton, L. Cattafesta, M. Sheplak, J. Jun, A. Kasyap, D. Johnson, and A. Phipps, 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress November 5-10, 2006 – Chicago, Illinois.
- “Self-Powered Wireless Nano-Sensor for Hydrogen Leak Detection and Wireless Power Transmission”, J. Lin, J. Jun, A. Phipps, X. Shengwen, K. Ngo, D. Johnson, A. Kasyap, T. Nishida, H. T. Wang, B. S. Kang, and F. Ren, L. C. Tien, P. W. Sadik, D. P. Norton, L. F. Voss, and S. J. Pearton, Radio Science Symposium for A Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto, Japan, March 20-21, 2006.
- “Prospects of potential semiconductor spin detectors”,W.M. Chen, I.A. Buyanova, Y. Oka, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton; IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2006 (IUMRS-ICA-2006), Jeju, Korea, Sept.10-14, 2006.
- “Development of Thin Film and Nanorod ZnO-Based LEDs and Sensors”, S.J. Pearton, W. T Lim, J. S Wright, R. Khanna, L. Voss, L. Stafford, L. Tien, H. S Kim, D. P Norton, J. J Chen, H. T Wang, B. S Kang, F. Ren, J. Jun and Jenshan Lin, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Nov 2006.
- “GaN, ZnO and InN Nanowires for Gas Sensing Systems”, S. J. Pearton, D. Norton, F. Ren, B. Gila, B. Kang and L.C. Tien, TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Orlando, FL, Feb 2007.
- “Transition Metal Doped ZnO for Spintronics”, S.J.Pearton, D. P Norton, M. Ivill, A. F Hebard, J. M Zavada, W. M Chen, I. A Buyanova, 2007 Spring MRS meeting, San Francisco, April 2007.
- “Wet Chemical Etching of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors- GaN, ZnO and SiC,” by S. Pearton, W. Lim, F. Ren and D. Norton, 211th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Illinois May 2007.
- “Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Nanowires for Sensing Applications,” by S. Pearton, D. Norton, F. Ren, L. Tien, B. Kang and G. Chi , 211th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Chicago, Illinois May 2007.
- “Quantum Well Wire Structures,” J. Cibert, A.C. Gossard, S.J. Pearton and P.M. Petroff, Issued June 14, 1988, U.S. Patent 4,751 194.
- “Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices without Breaking Vacuum,” A. Katz and S.J. Pearton, Patent Submission 104991 (1992).
- “Method for Reducing Sidewall Roughness During Dry Etching,” C. Abernathy, J. Lothian, S.J. Pearton and F. Ren, Patent Submission 105336 (1992).
- “GaAs Device Fabrication Utilizing MOMBE” Abernathy, Hobson, Jordan, Pearton and Ren, (Feb. 1991), US Patent 5171704.
- “Self-aligned Dry Etch Process for In-based HBTs,” Fullowan, Pearton and Ren, Issued December 1, 1992: U.S. Patent 5, 168 071.
- “Method for Forming Patterned W Layers,” Fullowan, Pearton and Ren, Issued January 5, 1993: U.S. Patent 5,176 792; European Patent 92309607.
- “Method for Selectively Growing Ga-containing Layers,” Abernathy, Pearton, Ren and Wisk, Issued July 13, 1993: U.S. Patent 5,227 006; European Patent 92310488.
- “Method for Making Fine-line Semiconductor Devices,” Abernathy, Lothian, Pearton and Ren, European Patent 94301125 (April 20, 1994).
- “Method for Selectively Growing Al-containing Layers,” Abernathy, Pearton, Ren and Wisk: European Patent 92310487 (1993): U.S. Patent 5,459 097.
- “Fabrication of Al-containing Semiconductor Devices,” Abernathy, Hobson, Jordan, Pearton and Ren: European Patent 92301438 (1992).
- “GaN-type enhancement MOSFET using heterostructure”, Abernathy, Irokawa, Pearton and Ren, US Patent 6,914,273(2005).
- “Semiconductor Device and Method using Nanotube Contacts,” A.G. Rinzler and S.J. Pearton, Patent Disclosure UF 11481, February 2004, European Patent No. 1719155(2006)
- Hydrogen in Crystalline Semiconductors, S.J. Pearton, J.W. Corbett and M. Stavola, (Springer-Verlag, 1991).
- Hydrogen in Compound Semiconductors, S.J. Pearton, ed. (Trans-Tech. Publications, Switzerland, 1993).
- InP HBTs – Growth, Processing and Applications, B. Jalali and S.J. Pearton (Artech House, Boston, 1994).
- Topics in Growth and Device Processing of III-V Semiconductors, S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy and F. Ren (World Scientific, New York, 1996).
- GaN and Related Materials, S.J. Pearton, ed. (Gordon and Breach, New York 1997) ISBN 90-5699-516-2.
- Processing Technology for Semiconductors, ed. S.J. Pearton (Res. Signpost, India 1997).
- Processing of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, ed. S.J. Pearton (Noyes, NJ 2000).
- GaN and Related Materials Vol. II, S.J. Pearton, ed. (Gordon and Breach, NY 1999).
- Handbook of Advanced Plasma Processing Techniques, ed. R.J. Shul and S.J. Pearton (Springer, Berlin, 2000).
- The Blue Laser Diode, S. Nakamura, S.J. Pearton and G. Fasol (Springer, Berlin 2000).
- GaN Processing for Electronics, Sensors and Spintronics, S.J.Pearton, F.Ren and C.R.Abernathy (Springer,NY,2005).
- ZnO Bulk, Thin Films and Nanostructures, ed. C. Jagadish and S.J. Pearton (Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2006).
Book Chapters
- “Vibrational Spectroscopy of H-related Defects in Si,” in Hydrogen in Semiconductors, M. Stavola and S.J. Pearton, ed. Pankove and Johnson (Academic Press, New York, 1990).
- “Neutralization of Deep Levels in Si,” in Hydrogen in Semiconductors, S.J. Pearton, ed. Pankove and Johnson (Academic Press, New York, 1990).
- “Hydrogen Passivation of Damage Centers in Semiconductors, in Hydrogen in Semiconductors, J.W. Corbett, P. Deak, V. Desnica and S.J. Pearton, ed. Pankove and Johnson (Academic Press, New York, 1990).
- “Heterostructure FETs,” in High Speed Devices, S.J. Pearton and N. Shah, ed. S.M. Sze (Wiley, New York, 1990).
- “Ion Beam Processing of InP and Related Materials,” in InP-Growth, Processing and Devices, S.J. Pearton and U.K. Chakrabarti, ed. A. Katz (Artech House, 1991).
- “Wet and Dry Etching of Compound Semiconductors,” in Modern Compound Semiconductor Technology & Devices, S.J. Pearton, ed. P.H. Holloway and G.E. McGuire (Noyes, 1992).
- “Hydrogenation of III-V Semiconductors During Processing,” in Hydrogen in Compound Semiconductors, S.J. Pearton, ed. S.J. Pearton (Trans-Tech Pub., Switzerland, 1993).
- “Hydrogen in III-V Compound Semiconductors,” in Hydrogen in Compound Semiconductors, S.J. Pearton, ed. S.J. Pearton (Trans-Tech Pub., Switzerland, 1993).
- “Self-aligned Processing of InP HBTs,” in InP HBTs: Growth, Processing and Performance, S.J. Pearton, ed. B. Jalali and S.J. Pearton (Artech House, Boston, 1994).
- “Radiation Effects on InP-based HBTs,” in InP HBTs: Growth, Processing and Performance, S. Witmer, S. Mittleman and S.J. Pearton, ed. B. Jalali and S.J. Pearton (Artech House, Boston, 1994).
- “Hydrogen in GaN,” in GaN and Related Materials, S.J. Pearton (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1996).
- “Etching of III-Nitrides,” S.J. Pearton and R.J. Shul, in Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 50, ed. J. Pankove and T.D. Moustakas (Academic Press, NY 1997).
- “The Properties of Hydrogen in GaN and Related Alloys,” S.J. Pearton, in Hydrogen in Materials, ed. N.H. Nickel (Academic Press, NY 1998).
- “Dry Etch Damage in Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials,” S.J. Pearton and R.J. Shul, in Defects in Optoelectronics, ed. S.W. Pang and O. Wada (Gordon and Breach, NY 1999).
- “Processing of GaN and Related Compounds,” S.J. Pearton, in Processing Technology for Semiconductors (Res. Signpost, India 1997).
- “Hydrogen in Wide Bandgap Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, in Processing of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (Noyes, NJ 1998).
- “Processing of Compound Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, in Handbook of Advanced Electronic and Photonic Materials, ed. H.S. Nalwa (Academic Press, NY 2000).
- “Dry Etching of Magnetic Materials,” K.B. Jung, H. Cho and S.J. Pearton in Advanced Plasma Processing Techniques, ed. R.J. Shul (Springer, Berlin 1999).
- “Hydrogen in Wide Bandgap Materials,” S.J. Pearton and J.W. Lee in Handbook of Advanced Electronic and Photonic Materials, ed. H.S. Nalwa (Academic Press, NY 2000).
- “Plasma Etching of GaN and Related Materials,” S.J. Pearton and R.J. Shul, in Thin Films Handbook, ed. H.S. Nalwa (Academic Press, NY 2001).
- “Ion Implant Doping and Isolation of GaN and Related Materials,” S.J. Pearton, in Thin Films Handbook, ed. H.S. Nalwa (Academic Press, NY 2001).
- “Wet and Dry Etching of SiC,” S.J. Pearton, in Process Technology for SiC Devices, ed. C.M. Zetterling (IEE, London 2001).
- “GaN Device Processing,” S.J. Pearton, in GaN and Related Materials II (Gordon and Breach, NY 1999).
- “Introduction to Processing and Properties of Compound Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, in Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 73, ed. R.K. Willardson and H.S. Nalwa (Academic Press, NY 2001).
- “GaN and AlGaN High Voltage Power Rectifiers,” A. Zhang, F. Ren, J. Han, S.J. Pearton, S. Reuh, Y.J. Park and J.-I. Chyi, in GaN Electronics, ed. F. Ren and J.C. Zolper (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002).
- “Nanoscale Magnetic Semiconductors,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy and Y.D. Park, in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ed. H.S. Nalwa (American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA (2003).
- “Nanoscale MRAM Elements,” S.J. Pearton and J.R. Childress, in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ed. H.S. Nalwa (American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA (2003).
- “Dry Etching of SiC, S.J. Pearton in SiC MEMS for harsh environments,
ed. Rebecca Cheung (World Scientific Press,, UK, 2006). - “Dilute Magnetic GaN, SiC and Related Semiconductors,” J. Kim, F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, M.E. Overberg, G. Thaler and Y.D. Park, in GaN and SiC Electronics, ed. F. Ren and J.C. Zolper (World Scientific, Singapore 2003).
- “Ferromagnetism in GaN and Related Materials,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, G. Thaler, R. Frazier, Y.D. Park and J.M. Zavada, in III-Nitride Handbook, ed. M. Razeghi and M. Henini (Elsevier, London, 2004).
- “Design and Fabrication of GaN High Power Rectifiers’,K.Baik, Y.Irokawa, F.Ren, S.J.Pearton, S.S.Park and S.K.Lee, in III-Nitride Handbook, ed. M. Razeghi and M. Henini (Elsevier, London, 2004).
- “Spintronics in GaN and Related Materials,” S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, Y.D. Park and J.M. Zavada in Handbook of Semiconductors, Nanostructures and Devices, ed. K. Wang and A. Balandin (American Sci. Pub., LA, 2005).
- “Nanometer Thick Insulators for GaN Electronics”, S.J.Pearton, B.Gila,F.Ren and C.R.Abernathy, in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ed. H.S. Nalwa (American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA (2004).
- “ZnO Nanowires”,Y.W..Heo, S.J.Pearton, D.P.Norton and F.Ren, in Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ed. H.S. Nalwa (American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA (2004).
- “GaN-Based Spintronics ”,S.J. Pearton, C.R. Abernathy, G.T. Thaler and R.M. Frazier,in Progress in Condensed Matter Physics’, ed F. Columbus (Nova Science, NY 2005).
- “Advances in ZnO Processing”,K.Ip,S.J.Pearton,D.P.Norton and F.Ren, in ZnO Bulk,Thin Films and Nanostructures:Processing ,Properties and Devices, ed.C.Jagadish and S.J.Pearton(Elsevier,Oxford,2006).
- “Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Nanowires and Devices”,S.J. Pearton, B.S. Kang, D.P. Norton, F. Ren, Young-Woo Heo,Chih-Yang Chang,Gou-Chung Chi,Wei-Ming Wang and Li-Chyong Chen,in Physics,Chemistry and Applications of Doped Nano Materials, ed. H.S.Nalwa (American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA (2006).
Edited Proceedings
- Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Crystalline Si, ed. T. Mikkleson, S.J. Pearton, J.W. Corbett and S.J. Pennycook, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 59 (1986).
- Defects in Electronic Materials, ed. M. Stavola, S.J. Pearton and G. Davies, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 104 (1987).
- Degradation Mechanisms in III-V Compound Semiconductor Devices and Structures, ed. V. Swaminathan, S.J. Pearton and M.O. Mansoch, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 184 (1990).
- Advanced III-V Compound Semiconductor Growth, Processing and Device, ed. S.J. Pearton, D.K. Sadana and J.M. Zavada, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 240 (1991).
- III-V Electronic and Photonic Device Fabrication and Performance, ed. K.S. Jones, S.J. Pearton and H. Kanba, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 300 (1993).
- Compound Semiconductor Electronics and Photonics, ed. R.J. Shul, S.J. Pearton, F. Ren and C.S. Wu, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 421 (1996).
- Power Semiconductor Materials and Devices, ed. S.J. Pearton, R.J. Shul, E. Wolfgang, F. Ren and S. Tenconi, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 483 (1997).
- Ion Implantation and Dielectrics for Elemental and Compound Semiconductors, ed. S.J. Pearton, K.S. Jones and V.T. Kapor (Electrochem. Soc., Pennington, NJ 1990), Vol. 90-13.
- Wide Bandgap Semiconductors and 23rd State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors, ed. F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, G.C. Chi, D.N. Buckley, P. van Duele and T. Kamijoh (Electrochem. Soc., Pennington, NJ 1995), Vol. 95-21.
- Proc. 24th State –of-the-Art Program on Semiconductors, ed. F. Ren, S.J. Pearton, S. Chu, R. Shul and T. Kamijoh, (Electrochem. Soc., Pennington, NJ 1996), Vol. 96-2.
- III-V Nitride Materials and Processes, T. Moustakas, J. Dismukes and S.J. Pearton, (Electrochem. Soc., Pennington, NJ 1996), Vol. 96-11.
- High Speed III-V Electronics, ed. F. Ren, C.S. Wu, S. Chu and S.J. Pearton, (Electrochem. Soc., Pennington, NJ 1996), Vol. 96-15.
- Low Energy Beam Processes in Electronic Materials, ed. R. Singh, D. Kumar, S.J. Pearton and R. Clarke, 126th TMS Nat. Meeting, Orlando, FL; Special Issue of J. Electron Mater. 26 (1997).
- III-V Nitride Materials and Processes II, ed. C.R. Abernathy, W.D. Brown, D.N. Buckley, J.P. Dismukes, M. Kamp, T.D. Moustakas, S.J. Pearton and F. Ren, (Electrochem. Soc., Pennington, NJ 1998), Vol. 97-34.
- Compound Semiconductor Power Transistors and State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors, ed. F. Ren, D. Buckley, SA. Chu, J.C. Zolper, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton and J. Pursey (Electrochem. Soc., Pennington, NJ 1998), Vol. 98-12.
- Light-Emitting Devices for Optoelectronic Applications and 28th SOTAPOCS Program, ed. H. Hou, R. Sah, S.J. Pearton, F. Ren and K. Wada (Electrochem. Soc., Pennington, NJ 1998), Vol. 98-2.
- GaN and Related Alloys, ed. S.J. Pearton, C.P. Kuo, T. Uenoyama and A.F. Wright, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 537 (1999).
- Compound Semiconductor Surface Passivation and Novel Device Processing, ed. H. Hasegawa, M. Hong, Z. Lu and S.J. Pearton, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 573 (1999).
- III-Nitride-Based Semiconductor Electronics and Optical Devices, ed. F. Ren, D.N. Buckley, S.N.G. Chu and S.J. Pearton, ECS Proc. 2001-1 (ECS, Pennington, NJ 2001).
- Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Photonic and Electronic Devices and Sensors II, ed. R. Kopf, F. Ren, E. Stokes, H. Ng, A.G. Baca, S.J. Pearton and S.N.G. Chu, ECS Proc. 2002-1 (ECS, Pennington, NJ, 2002).
- New Applications for Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, ed. J. Chyi, S.J. Pearton, J. Han, A. Baca and W.H. Chang, MRS Proc., 764 (2002)
- State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors XXXIX and Nitride and Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Sensors, Photonics and Electronics IV, ed. R. Kopf, A. Baca, S.J. Pearton and F. Ren, ECS Proc., 2003-11 (ECS, Pennington, NJ 2003).
Students Graduated
Cathy Vartuli – 1996, employed at Lucent Technologies
Jewon Lee – 1997, Plasma Therm, then Inje University
Jin Hong – 1998, Samsung
KeeBum Jung – 1999, IBM, then Applied Materials
Jeff Mileham – 1999, Accent Optical Technologies, now at KLA-Tencor
Xianan Cao – 2000, General Electric, now a professor at WVU.
Jennifer Wang – 2002, Lucent Technologies, now at Northrop- Grumman, formerly TRW).
Kyu-Pil Lee – 2003, Samsung
Don Bitting – 2003, Photon-X
Amol Patil – 2004, University of Groningen
Kwang Baik-2004, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Kelly Ip-2005, Intel, now Raytheon
Rohit Khanna-2007,Oerlikon
Jewon Lee – 1995, Plasma Therm, then Inje University
Jin Hong – 1996, Samsung
Don Bitting – 1998, Lucent Technologies
Simon Molloy – 1999, Lucent Technologies
David Hays – 1999, Sony, now at General Electric
Jennifer Wang – 1999, Lucent Technologies, now at TRW
Paradee Leerungnawart – 2000, Lucent Technologies, now at Sony
Don Kent – 2001, Intel
Jonathan Lobbins – 2001, Lucent Technologies
Veihhar Trivedi – 2001, Lucent Technologies, now at Intel
Ryan Maynard – 2001, Lucent Technologies, now at Martin-Marietta
Sirchai Norasethal – 2001, now in grad school
Pilyon Park – 2001, Samsung
Kwang Baik – 2002, SAIT
Danica Smith – 2002, Lucent Technologies
David Shuttleworth – 2002, Agere Systems
Amol Patil (non thesis) – 2002, Univ. Groningen
Kelly Ip – 2002, UF-Intel
Rohit Khanna-2005, UF
Lars Voss-2006, UF
- Professor M. Stavola
Chairman, Department of Physics
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015
Phone: (610) 758-3946, Fax: (610) 758-9730,
- Dr. R.J. Shul
Principal Member of Technical Staff
Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Dept. 1313, MS 0603
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185.
Phone: (505) 844-6126, Fax: (505) 844-8985,
- Dr. J.M. Poate
VP Research, Colorado School of Mines,1500 Illinois St,Golden Colorado, CO 80401
Phone;(303) 384-2375,Email